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What We Offer


Midweek H.O.M.E. Mass: Pray in community for an increase in Holy vocations. Confession offered. Small playground for children to mingle afterwards as well.


Confraternity of Catholic Homeschool Mothers (affiliated): The Confraternity of Catholic Homeschool Mothers is dedicated to the mission of living out the traditional role of the mother in her domestic church with the purpose of increasing the holiness of the mother, strengthening her marriage, and promoting religious vocation among her children. This Confraternity is inspired by and is based on the life and spiritual writings of Mrs. Rosie Gil. Our local chapter meets every other month. The first hour is with our Lord in the chapel reciting prayers, then reading, reflecting and discussing one of Rosie Gil’s writings. Our second hour is an educational program that alternates each month between homemaking and spirituality topics.

Confraternity of Fathers of St. Joseph (affilated): Led by Founder, author and national Catholic speaker, one of own, H.O.M.E. DAD, Devin Schadt. Only come if you want to be the Father that God created you to be!

From the website: “The fathers of St. Joseph is a confraternity of men who follow the timeless wisdom and example of the man who was father to the Son and son of the Father. With St. Joseph as our leader, each father strives to become as he became – an icon of God the Father. As God the Father entrusted His Son to St. Joseph’s care, we also strive to entrust ourselves as children, who are fathers, to this father who will teach us to father, and lead us to the Father. This way of fatherhood is called Joseph’s Way – The Call to Fatherly Greatness. Join us on this journey to discover the power of authentic fatherhood. For more info visit fathersofstjoseph.org.

Men’s Rosary Group: Monthly rosary meeting, followed by food at a local restaurant. It is open to men and their sons age 12+.

Wine and Roses: Monthly rosary meeting for women, followed by appetizers and drinks. It is open to women and their daughters age 12+.

Mentor Moms: A monthly get together for moms on designated topics that is a dynamic resource for supporting Catholic Homeschooling, moderated by “mentor moms” who have children over 18. Monthly gathering on the second Tuesday of each month


Thursday Study: Individuals and families who want to grow in their faith and build community. All ages welcome. Drop-ins welcome- you don't need to commit to every Thursday. Topics taken from DVD series and local speakers. 

Our Lady’s Joy Co-Op: Our Lady's Joy Co-op meets throughout the academic year, twice a month. We will meet to provide academic enrichment and peer interaction for our children and encourage spiritual growth, community building, and support to all our families. Class topics may include science, music, PE, history, and literature, with teachers from the community and within our own group. Nursey is provided for children 3 and under.

Living Stones Middle School Youth Group: A monthly gathering for social time, a short teaching about a topic in the Faith, and short talk to increase exposure to different careers (the middle school age group will focus mainly on life skills for their teaching portion). Once a month, held on a Friday (or Saturday) night

Little Flowers: Little Flowers Girls’ Club ® is a Catholic club for girls ages 5 and up that teaches virtues through scripture, saints’ biographies and the Catechism of the Catholic Church. Meetings once a month

Conquest: Conquest is a Catholic Youth Ministry program for boys ages 5 and up to grow in knowledge of their Catholic faith, friendship with Christ, and make a difference and positive impact on their families, friends and in the world around them. Meetings weekly.



A variety of field trips and other academic opportunies are held each year, including Talent Shows, Wax Museum presentation, Battle of the Books, JA Biz town, holiday gatherings, park play dates, March for Life student trip to Washington D.C, among many others. Activities vary year to year. 

Recently we have added brief sports programs throughout the year, including basketball, baseball, and soccer. 

Please see the home page to contact us for more information.